Site Notice

Information Pursuant to Sect. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG)
Rickie Lynne Giesel
Mariannenstraße 88
04315 Leipzig


Person Responsible for Editorial
Rickie Lynne Giesel
Mariannenstraße 88
04315 Leipzig

Joachim Giesel Archiv
Cichoriusstraße 2
04318 Leipzig

Rickie Lynne Giesel (RLG)
Linda Kleinhubbert (LK)
Ann-Kathrin Könning (AK)
Katrin Kaiser (KK)
Jule Lang (JL)
Lea Weiß (LW)

Photo Credit
Unless otherwise stated: © Joachim Giesel / VG Bild-Kunst

Despite intensive research, it has not always been possible to locate the rights holders of the images. Authorized persons please contact the Joachim Giesel Archive.